Saturday, May 24, 2014

Art workshop Culminating

The seed of the idea of having an Art Workshop for four  Saturdays of May,  "Solidarity in Action" (where I volunteered every Saturday at Hidden Valley for catechism) came out  when I was in a bathroom doing my thing(hahah).  I shared this seed to my closed friend who happens to be also a volunteer and then he agreed with the idea and helped me proposed it to the sisters in our community.  The project's purpose was to discover the children's creativity and intelligence through this workshop and might also take a break for four Saturdays of catechism. I also promised that a percent of my earnings from the last projects I have is to donate it for the community so here it is, the artworkshop

first day


I realized from a tiny seed of an idea of having an art workshop, and making it possible  for this May made me realize that it also open a gate for volunteers and sponsors. In a way I get to do apostolate. I thank you to those who gave effort in helping me facilitating, who  ask donations, who donated a piece of their money and time to buy the school supplies and snacks for the little kids. There were very many people behind the project to be thankful for.  My friends, CLM family, my two sisters, this project wouldn't be very successful without you. God bless

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